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Simply Learning's International Women's Day!

Women's Day!

On International Women’s Day, the Simply team are celebrating the achievements and contributions of women within the construction and utility sectors.

Despite being in a male-dominated industry, there is a growing movement to encourage more women to enter these fields and break down barriers.

Our Managing Director, Alex, is a strong advocate for gender diversity and believes that empowering women in this industry is one of the key ways in which we can address the issues that we are facing in our supply chain.

“It’s an absolute honour to be working with such a diverse group of people – across nationalities, ages and gender at Simply.

We are working very hard to increase the supply chain with talented, hardworking, and qualified people and I’m excited to see that there is an increase of women coming through the doors as either a candidate on one of our courses or as a leader gaining certification for their organisation. Which is a fantastic positive move forward within the industry.

I have to pinch myself every so often to make sure it’s all real – that we have come this far and been so successful in such a short space of time. This could not have been achieved without all the hard work, resilience, and loyalty of the brilliant people in the Simply team.”

Just under 50% of Simply employees are women who come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wealth of experience and creativity to the table This has allowed us to approach challenges with a range of innovative solutions. These women are not only dedicated professionals but also strong supporters of gender equality and empowerment in the workplace.

They actively mentor and support each other, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Their unique perspectives and ideas have been instrumental in driving our Simply’s success and growth.

Happy International Women’s Day to all the trailblazing women in the Construction & Utility industry.